English Drama and Digital Book Club

English Drama and Digital Book Club
English Drama Club organizes various activities to enrich the acting and speaking skills.
Activities are planned based on various life skills like stage presentation, speaking skills,
creative learning, and spontaneous thinking.
What do you learn in Drama Class?
• Create characters, understand them, and perform them
• Improve your English
• Read and analyze a play or a script
• Communicate well with everyone on and off stage
• Learn and remember lines
• Be confident
• Work as part of a team
Drama class will make you look at yourself, other people, and the world differently. It really
will change your life

Digital Book Club 
Book Club School makes it enjoyable to use and improve your English online. You read or
listen to the books you like and then discuss them in your online
Improve your English reading and speaking skills!
Here are the benefits and reasons you should join a book club in your school
➢ Creates reading accountability
➢ Helps You Engage Deeper With the Book
➢ Encourages Critical Thinking
➢ Keeps Your Brain Sharp
➢ Gives You New Perspectives
➢ Helps You Make New Friends
➢ Can Improve Writing Skills